Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

Drag Me To Hell (2009)

Cast : Alison Lohman, Justin Long, David Paymer, Lorna Raver
Director : Sam Raimi

Classic horror is not dead! Some newbies might find this movie very-cheesy for its gallows humor mixed with slapstick comedy as they habitually live with some modern 'horror' films which rely on some gore scenes and shock editing. Whereas 'Drag Me to Hell' surely gets my attention only with very little blood and lots of loud noises. And yes, i must admit that this movie is kinda cheap and cheesy (you can tell from the title too, eh?). But damn, i LOVE it! It was the finest-darkest-creepiest moment i had in theater after so long.

Christine Brown (Alison Lohman), a loan officer at a bank, is being considered for promotion. Until one day, an old gypsy lady named Mrs. Ganush (Lorna Raver) request for an extension for house payment. Leaping out for its promotion opportunity, she takes her pride (instead of her humanity feelings) by deciding to reject the payment extension request from Ganush. Feeling ashamed of rejection, Ganush places the powerful curse of Lamia on Christine which translate her life into a living hell.

I know it's been less than 24 hours since i watched it, but i must admit that this is one of the most strictly entertaining movie I've ever seen. I always admire certain directors who has their own signature style. And this is Sam Raimi we're talking about. It's an horror comedy that made me laugh and creepy at the same time. But then again, the whole movie was satisfying, and the ending made it even more so.
Mrs. Ganush is one truly phenomenal villain which i will definitely put her in my list of best villain together with Norman Bates, Freddy Krueger, Hannibal Lecter, the Joker and Gollum!

Incredibly entertaining. Drag me to watch it again.

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