Minggu, 05 April 2009

Changeling (2008)

Cast : Angelina Jolie, John Malkovich, Jason Butler Harner, Michael Kelly
Director : Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood just added another impressive work thru his filmography. Although i'm not a big fan of his works (except Mystic River!), i have to admit that i got such a thrill while watching this.
Base on a true story, Changeling tells about Christine Collins, a single mother who lost her beloved 9 year old son, Walter. Until 5 months later, the LAPD claimed that Walter has been found. However Christine began to suspect that the boy returned to her is not hers.

Little issue i got regarding a story-telling plot while Eastwood trying to reveal this Gordon Northcott character which only told after first half of the movie. In the first part, i've been spoiled by being offered to watch only how Christine struggle to find her son. I found this Northcott is a very interesting character who should have been told earlier. I do love the last scene while he's about to being hang by the neck. Kinda reminds me of Dancer in the Dark scene, while Selma Jezkova mentioning 103 steps, while as Northcott got 13 steps. Not to mention the song 'Silent night' he sang which also reflect to Selma's 'This isn't the Last Song'.

No doubt that Angelina Jolie is a very fine actress. She delivers a remarkable performance by portraying Christine Collins, a single mother who just lost her son. However i kinda seen her before in the almost-same character in A Mighty Heart who also require her to portray as a wife who lost her husband. Outstanding performance. But nothing new.

Having said that, i still respect that this movie belongs to one of masterpiece from Clint Eastwood and deserve to be one contender in the Academy arena.

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