Sabtu, 18 April 2009

Vertigo (1958)

Cast : James Stewart, Kim Novak, Barbara Bel Geddes
Director : Alfred Hitchcock

It's such an arduous thing to judge Hitch's movies as i know a thousand words even cannot express them. Well, Vertigo is another details work of him which unmistakably interpreted into a creation called film. As a master of suspense - instead of producing its thrills literally- Hitchcock creates some complex characters, exciting music score, striking images, provocative script and not to forget a dazzling twist. What an entertaining way to thrill!

A retired detective, John 'Scottie' Ferguson (James Stewart) is hired to follow and espy his friend's wife, Madeleine Elster (Kim Novak) who has been suspected in planning for committed suicide. One thing leads to another, Scottie becomes intrigued and then obsessed by the beautiful of Madeleine. With his disability who is scared of heights drawn into a unexpectedly plot that guide him for becoming a victim.

Stunning and so multilevelled! I simply can't wait to watch it again.
A must-have in your collection.

Memorable Quote :
"Only one is a wanderer, two together are always going somewhere"
(Madeleine Elster)

"You know, it's wonderful how they have it all taped now, John. They have music for dipsomaniacs, and music for melancholiacs and music for hypochondriacs. I wonder what would happen if somebody got their files mixed up"
(Marjorie 'Midge' Wood)

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