Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

Drag Me To Hell (2009)

Cast : Alison Lohman, Justin Long, David Paymer, Lorna Raver
Director : Sam Raimi

Classic horror is not dead! Some newbies might find this movie very-cheesy for its gallows humor mixed with slapstick comedy as they habitually live with some modern 'horror' films which rely on some gore scenes and shock editing. Whereas 'Drag Me to Hell' surely gets my attention only with very little blood and lots of loud noises. And yes, i must admit that this movie is kinda cheap and cheesy (you can tell from the title too, eh?). But damn, i LOVE it! It was the finest-darkest-creepiest moment i had in theater after so long.

Christine Brown (Alison Lohman), a loan officer at a bank, is being considered for promotion. Until one day, an old gypsy lady named Mrs. Ganush (Lorna Raver) request for an extension for house payment. Leaping out for its promotion opportunity, she takes her pride (instead of her humanity feelings) by deciding to reject the payment extension request from Ganush. Feeling ashamed of rejection, Ganush places the powerful curse of Lamia on Christine which translate her life into a living hell.

I know it's been less than 24 hours since i watched it, but i must admit that this is one of the most strictly entertaining movie I've ever seen. I always admire certain directors who has their own signature style. And this is Sam Raimi we're talking about. It's an horror comedy that made me laugh and creepy at the same time. But then again, the whole movie was satisfying, and the ending made it even more so.
Mrs. Ganush is one truly phenomenal villain which i will definitely put her in my list of best villain together with Norman Bates, Freddy Krueger, Hannibal Lecter, the Joker and Gollum!

Incredibly entertaining. Drag me to watch it again.

Angels & Demons (2009)

Cast : Tom Hanks, Ayelet Zurer, Ewan McGregor, Stellan Skaarsgard
Director : Ron Howard

Base on the second novel of Dan Brown, perhaps some readers of the book are expected to be dissapointed while they're about to see this film. Well, call me a non-reader, it leads me to an advantage to enjoy the movie without some expectations. And it did! In fact i even impressed. It's cool to notice that a non-reader like me (who tends to be ignorance, like they said!) got this advantage :)

The movie itself begins with the death of Pope which as per regulations, some cardinals shall arrange a conclave to elect a new Pope in Vatican. In the moment after, the four strong candidates of a new pope have been kidnapped with a note of Illuminati symbol in a piece of paper. Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) was assigned by Vatican police to assist to break some 'puzzles' together with one of the scientist of CERN, Vittoria Vetra (Ayelet Zurer), commander Richter (Stellan Skarsgaard) and carmelengo of the church, Patrick McKenna (Ewan McGregor).

Personally, i love this movie better than The Da Vinci Code. Plot of story (including its thrill) constantly continue since the first part of the movie. Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon was good. Ayelet Zurer was okay to portray Vittoria Vetra. No complaint. But, Ewan McGregor as McKenna? Very-Impressive!

Recommended and very watchable.

Oh, i definitely will read the book after this.
Call me a reader, then :)

Down By Law (1986)

Cast : Tom Waits, John Lurie, Roberto Benigni
Director : Jim Jarmusch

How I love Jarmusch's features that he don't need any dramas nor actions to create some pleasures. And so was Down by Law treated me. As a non-hollywood-esque style, this picture wonderfully shot in black n white with its original script that i always adore. Definitely, still can reach its cinematic achievement.

The film begins with character introduction of the two main casts, Zack (Tom Waits) and Jack (John Lurie) until both of them are end up in jail for a crime that they didn't commit. And then Roberto (Roberto Benigni) joined the cell, with his shadiness and comical presence.

Even though i still enjoy his previous work, Stranger than Paradise, but still i must gave alot of credits to this film also.

Brilliantly created.

Memorable Quote :
"I scream.You Scream. We all scream. For ice cream"

3 Hari Untuk Selamanya (2007)

Cast : Nicholas Saputra, Adinia Wirasti
Director : Riri Riza

Portraying 3 days journey of Yusuf (Nicholas Saputra) and Ambar (Adinia Wirasti) from Jakarta to Yogyakarta as a bearer of some meals equipment for midodareni, a javanese tradition agenda prior the wedding ceremony.

Poor sound editing and somehow this movie is trying hard to be a 'cool' as a road movie. However ... goddammit! This film certainly do hit my spot. I love it! Tremendous chemistry from both main casts. Absolute-contagious chemistry. Even i kinda minimize their so-called smart-cheesy conversations, since Riri Riza did the right thing by chosen a high-school-graduation characters as a justification. Hence, do not treat the conversation same as Celine & Jessie in Before Sunrise/Before Sunset.
The songs from Float is impressive and the ending is just perfect!

Sabtu, 18 April 2009

Vertigo (1958)

Cast : James Stewart, Kim Novak, Barbara Bel Geddes
Director : Alfred Hitchcock

It's such an arduous thing to judge Hitch's movies as i know a thousand words even cannot express them. Well, Vertigo is another details work of him which unmistakably interpreted into a creation called film. As a master of suspense - instead of producing its thrills literally- Hitchcock creates some complex characters, exciting music score, striking images, provocative script and not to forget a dazzling twist. What an entertaining way to thrill!

A retired detective, John 'Scottie' Ferguson (James Stewart) is hired to follow and espy his friend's wife, Madeleine Elster (Kim Novak) who has been suspected in planning for committed suicide. One thing leads to another, Scottie becomes intrigued and then obsessed by the beautiful of Madeleine. With his disability who is scared of heights drawn into a unexpectedly plot that guide him for becoming a victim.

Stunning and so multilevelled! I simply can't wait to watch it again.
A must-have in your collection.

Memorable Quote :
"Only one is a wanderer, two together are always going somewhere"
(Madeleine Elster)

"You know, it's wonderful how they have it all taped now, John. They have music for dipsomaniacs, and music for melancholiacs and music for hypochondriacs. I wonder what would happen if somebody got their files mixed up"
(Marjorie 'Midge' Wood)

Rabu, 08 April 2009

Dragonball Evolution (2009)

Cast : Justin Chatwin, Emmy Rossum, Chow Yun-Fat, Jamie Cheung
Director : James Wong

Ignoring some horrible critics and just to watch Emmy Rossum as Bulma, finally i can manage myself to watch this film. Whoa, this movie definetely got snubbed. It's not that bad for me. Well, it ain't good either, though. But, please give this movie a break!

The script is not good, i know. And visual effect is just okay. Not splendid for a big-budget movie. Cast? Well, Chow Yun Fat as Master Roshi, is mediocre. Chatwin as Goku, is nice. And Emmy Rosum as Bulma is a dear. And why people give a shit by comparing each character to the original manga version? Not very cool opinion.

Admittedly enjoy seeing it.


Minggu, 05 April 2009

Doubt (2008)

Cast : Meryl Streep, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Adams, Viola Davis
Director : John Patrick Shanley

When it comes to doubtful situation, there will be always a need for some radicalist to straighten up all the confusions occured. And God knows how hard to find such characters in this movie that represent those so called radicalists who only believe in th
Boldeir faiths without seeing any evidence.

"Doubt", portrayed some intriguing between faith vs doubt. John Patrick Shanley capturing this movie with full of breath-taking conversations. Having know that there's no certainty for some issues, some effective dialogs lead to some own personal judgement and opinion. Each characters struggles to confront their own doubts. A perfect cast by Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Adams and 12 minutes performance by Viola Davis.

4 stars (2.25 stars earn from the casts!) out of 5, for my first watch. Perhaps after i watch for the 2nd time, i will add some stars :)

Memorable quote :
"Doubt can be a bond as powerful and sustaining as certainty. When you are lost, you are not alone"
(Father Brendan Flynn)

Changeling (2008)

Cast : Angelina Jolie, John Malkovich, Jason Butler Harner, Michael Kelly
Director : Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood just added another impressive work thru his filmography. Although i'm not a big fan of his works (except Mystic River!), i have to admit that i got such a thrill while watching this.
Base on a true story, Changeling tells about Christine Collins, a single mother who lost her beloved 9 year old son, Walter. Until 5 months later, the LAPD claimed that Walter has been found. However Christine began to suspect that the boy returned to her is not hers.

Little issue i got regarding a story-telling plot while Eastwood trying to reveal this Gordon Northcott character which only told after first half of the movie. In the first part, i've been spoiled by being offered to watch only how Christine struggle to find her son. I found this Northcott is a very interesting character who should have been told earlier. I do love the last scene while he's about to being hang by the neck. Kinda reminds me of Dancer in the Dark scene, while Selma Jezkova mentioning 103 steps, while as Northcott got 13 steps. Not to mention the song 'Silent night' he sang which also reflect to Selma's 'This isn't the Last Song'.

No doubt that Angelina Jolie is a very fine actress. She delivers a remarkable performance by portraying Christine Collins, a single mother who just lost her son. However i kinda seen her before in the almost-same character in A Mighty Heart who also require her to portray as a wife who lost her husband. Outstanding performance. But nothing new.

Having said that, i still respect that this movie belongs to one of masterpiece from Clint Eastwood and deserve to be one contender in the Academy arena.

Lars and the Real Girl (2007)

Cast : Ryan Gossling, Emily Mortimer, Patricia Clarkson
Director : Craig Gillespie

The script. It's the most extraordinary thing from this film. It's surprising me alot (and i love being surprised!) with its remarkably original. Thanks to Nancy Oliver.
If someone said that this movie tells about a man falling in love with a sex doll, well for me it's much much more than that. It's the journey of the emotional moment. Mixed-up emotion. It's the thing that i always earn from a good movie. And so this movie treated me. It's like i am within laugh and cry, funny and sad. Very gently moving.

Fully aware that Ryan Gosling is a very fine actor. As Lars Landstorm, who wounded by the pain of losing his parents and literally frightened by human touch, he did an astounding job. For sure.
Anyway, I also heart Emily Mortimer & Patricia Clarkson here. *claps claps claps*

Good movie that you guys should check.
Anyway, the real-doll website is truly exist. Come check it out also. LOL!

Memorable Quote :
"See they're even fake so they'll never die"
(Lars Landstorm)

"Sometimes I get so lonely I forget what day it is, and how to spell my name"
(Doctor Dagmar)

Frost/Nixon (2008)

Cast : Michael Sheen, Frank Langella, Kevin Bacon, Sam Rockwell, Rebecca Hall, Mathew McFadyen, Oliver Platt
Director : Ron Howard

Well, what do i know about Richard Nixon? Slightly thing about that Watergate case. Not much. History & politics are clearly not my field. I need to do some researches in order to enjoy the film. And to tell you the truth, i almost skipped this film. But, i am so so so glad i didn't. It is not what i think at all. Obviously deserves to be one of the Best Film of the year.

Based on a stage-play, Frost/Nixon caught some pictures occured after Richard Milhouse Nixon resigned from the U.S presidency. Until David Frost, a satire and eccentric TV presenter, plan to made history by arranging the series of interviews with Nixon.

I gave the first credit to the playwright for such a great screenplay. Never has a political movie been mesmerize me before. He made this movie becoming an epic one, surely an epic with no riffles and no colossal views. But the intense are alike. It's Peter Morgan. You guys probably had seen another his works thru "The Queen". Very-well written.

Another credit definetely goes to the duet Frank Langella & Michael Sheen. Oh, those interview shots are similar with a boxing ring. Really thrilling-captivating. Both actors did a brilliant job! Langella is the last actor i watched as a contender for Oscar's Best Actor in a Leading Role category. And must admit that he truly deserves to bring the award home. Oops, i shudn't made a prediction here.

Last but not least, Ron Howard, which create unexpected pictures and finally can redeem himself after Oscar reward him a Best Director nod this year. Not to forget stars like Kevin Bacon, Sam Rockwell, Rebecca Hall, Mathew MacFadyen and Oliver Platt which surely reinforcing the casts. Trust me, after this i tend to find some informations regarding this Nixon. It is true that movie truly made a people wanna learn something new, eh?

Memorable Quote:
"I'm saying that when the President does it, that means it's NOT illegal!"
(Richard M.Nixon)

A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)

Cast : Vivian Leigh, Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, Kim Hunter
: Elia Kazan

Ah, now i know where Nicole Kidman got that over-dramatic and exaggerate expression. It's from Blanche Dubois. Very classic kinda act. And Vivian Leigh was nailed the characters as a lonely-empty-neurotic woman who lives in a romantic fantasy world. Very disturbing, and over the top. But yet, for me her exaggerate act was done intentionally due to its character. At least, i agree with Oscar for rewarding her Best Actress at that time.

As for the picture itself belongs to drama with full of intensity, monologues and irrational numbers. We shall conclude what had happened between characters. Understood it was base on a play which i believe it will told the details regarding other things that haven't revealed thru the movie. Like, what is truly happen in Auriol? And also in Belle-Reve?

Having said that, i was delighted to see this movie. An open ending (which I always love) also let us free to conclude what will happen next.

Memorable Quotes :
"I don't tell truths. I tell what ought to be truth" (Blanche DuBois)
"You know what luck is? Luck is believing you're lucky, that's all... " (Stanley Kowalski)

Akiresu to kame (Achilles and the Tortoise) (2008)

Cast : Takeshi Kitano, Kanako Higuchi, Reiko Yoshioka
Director : Takeshi Kitano

In the first place, i was thinking that this movie is way too big for me. It explores what art really is, and i knew nothing about art. But then looking back to the opening scene which was described in an animated prologue explaining Archilles, the fastest humankind in pursuing Tortoise. It's just simple philosophy. Clearly, this movie is its literally art .

Portraying a life of Machisu Kuramasu since he was a child until middle-age who kept fascinated by art. He's translated his own life into a drawing. I've been offered for some absurdity thing that Kuramasu arrange in order to make its originality painting. Some people might consider this as a (black) humor, while i stuck in the middle of laugh and cry.

This is the first Kitano's film that i watch. And must admit that i'm extremely enjoy the picture. The ending scene genuinely sum it up and succesfully jerk my tears. Oh, F*ck!

Valkyrie (2008)

Cast : Tom Cruise, Bill Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, Kenneth Branagh
Director : Bryan Singer

All I know, Valkyrie is a classic masterwork from Wagner. Despite it inspires Stauffenberg (Tom Cruise) to do some revision of initial Valkyrie order, It also means an emergency plan developed by Reserve Army of the Germany to execute and takeover the country, after caused by the failure of Nazi government. Which leads to the attempted assassins of the Fuhrer.

The film is surprisingly thrilled me in. There was no violent actions at all. But still the value of its thrilling is not becoming any less. Even personally, i'd rather thrill this way than watching some literally actions. It's all about taking some decisions among the team. And understood that there are some language interest here. Like German movies played by Non-German actors with no German accents. Well, for me it's trully forgivable, since Bryan Singer brilliantly revealed in the opening scene by having Stauffenberg spoke Germany with English subtitle, but it gradually changed into an English speaking. Clever way, eh?

But then what i like about this movie that knowing the facts that there was not much romancing scene involved as a typical of Hollywood film. 4 stars out of 5!

Tom Cruise plays as Colonel Stauffenberg, is so convincing. But i like Bill Nighy who act as General Friedrich Olbricht. Great performance.

Memorable Quote :
"Look them in the eye. They'll remember you"
(Col. Clause Von Stauffenberg)

Singin' In The Rain (1952)

Cast : Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor
Director : Stanley Donnen & Gene Kelly

This movie attractively hypnotized me with its musical. It is so tuneful and lots of fun. I even enjoy the slapticks joke which definetely not ruin the film becoming flimsy since I should thank it for the big laughs i made. Definetely deserve to be one of my favorite musical of all time. Oh, and it's classic. So glad to put it in my list.

Capturing a hollywood movie industry during the transition era of silent into talkie movie. R.F Simpson (Millard Mitchell), one of the respective studio owner and film producer at that time decides to release a movie project with 'talks'. Having the project was sucks during the first screening. Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly), together with Cosmo Brown (Donald O'Connor) and Cathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds), come to a brilliant idea to added some musical into the movie.

It is truly acceptable to confirm that music has an added value in anything. Classic issue, i know. But it works to turn on my emotions. This film is very personal for me. However it still remains the best musical movie ever made in history. Now, who's with me? :)

Memorable Quotes :
"The show must go on! Come rain, come shine, come snow, come sleet, the show MUST go on!" (Cosmo Brown)

Taken (2009)

Cast : Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Famke Janssen, Holly Valance
Director : Pierre Morrel

Overrated. It's the first notion i have during the end credits. Though admittedly, i have such a good time while seeing it, but personally i think this movie should have been better. When it comes to action feature, I do realize the concept of not being too realistic. And so this film is.
But then again, this movie is freakin' predictable.

Retired spy and a divorced dad, Bryan Mills, browse entire Paris in finding his kidnapped daughter. Well, Luc Besson did it again with this should-have-been-better script. And with 93 minutes duration is also too short to entertaint my lust for suffering in action scenes. Or is that the best thing that u can offer, Morel? Come On.


Memorable Quotes :
"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you"
(Bryan Mills)

The Reader (2008)

Cast : Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes, David Kross, Lena Olin
Director : Stephen Daldry

Adapted from Bernhard Schlink's novel, I was totally blown away by this film! It seems that Stephen Daldry scores once more. Not many directors can blow me away twice (yes twice!, previously from another of his "The Hours" which i love a lot). Great story, Stunning cinematography, Brilliant act and Wonderful music score by Nico Muhly who contributes to create its own dialog thru certain scene. I haven't happened to read the novel, but base on another previous works of David Hare, I'm pretty sure that he's a good in re-telling story. Very-well adapted.

Set in Germany, the two central characters Hanna Schmitz and Michael Berg met accidentally and finally lead them to an affair in one summer until one day Hanna left the town without leaving any note. Several years later, Berg entered a college and studying law. One not so special day, for observation study, he attend some trial for NAZI war crimes, he catches a sight for Hanna Schmitz again.

Hanna Schmitz, a cold-stern but compassionate woman, is very interesting character. Initially it was meant for Nicole Kidman which I know she will play it good. And Kate Winslet? Gosh! She is DAMN great! I haven't finished my first orgasm after saw her performance in Revolutionary Road, and now she do me again. She made me cum twice in consecutive weeks! It's about time to reward her, her first Oscar.
(Young) Michael Berg, played by a rising star from German, David Kross. Impressive play. Looking forward for his work in the future. Ralph Fiennes and Lena Olin also did an outstanding job. Especially Lena Olin, her performance in almost-the-end of the movies for having conversation with Ralph Fiennes is breathtaking.

This movie deserve 5 stars and straightly break through to the list of my favorite movie for my first watch!

The Reader, Best Picture of the year!

Memorable Quote :
"It doesn't matter what I think. It doesn't matter what I feel. The dead are still dead" (Hanna Schmitz)

"Go to the theater if you want catharsis. Please, go to literature. Don't go to the camps. Nothing comes out of the camps. Nothing."(Ilana Mather)

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008)

Cast : Asa Butterfield, Vera Farmiga, David Thewlis
Director : Mark Herman

One special feature about holocaust thru the eyes of a child. Quite different from Life is Beautiful (Roberto Benigni) which was told by the point of view of a father trying to conceal his son from being intense of fearness. However, The Boy in the stripped Pyjamas, becoming more special for keeping the tone strongly consistent since the beginning. Great editing, scores and scenes tremendously get the audience stays in the emotional rhythm. Oh, Until the ending scene.

Personally, I was shock after seeing it. Another devastating movie that thrilled me in (and once again, i love being thrilled by a devastatingly depressed film). The cast also doing great, especially Vera Farmiga. I cannot recommend this movie enough. Just watch it.

Memorable Quote :
" If you ever found a nice Jew, you would be the best explorer in the world" (Herr Liszt)

Stranger Than Paradise (1984)

Cast : John Lurie, Cecillia Star, Danny Rosen
Director : Jim Jarmusch

Jim Jarmusch's second feature, 'Stranger Than Paradise' obviously not a film for everyone. It's very bleak and draggy. Indeed, it is. Shot in black and white, without dramatic resolution. It also full of a long pause. The acting is somehow vapid. But, i love it. Love it. Apparantly, this flick even haunting me for a long time after. It's more than i can ask of a good movie. Being haunted.

Mentioning, Willie and Eddie, who take their poker winnings to travel to Cleveland to visit Willie's cousin Eva. After then, they decide to continue their so-called vacation to get into Ohio. This film focussing a mundane life and how each characters can deal with it.

Memorable Quote :
"I'm choking the alligator right now"

Breaking The Waves (1996)

Cast : Emily Watson, Stellan Skarsgard, Katrin Cartlidge
Director : Lars Von Trier

Bess McNeil, another unique-yet complicated woman character which originally created by Lars Von Trier. Besides Selma Jezkova (Dancer in the Dark) and Grace Margareth Mulligan (Dogville), I can't believe it took me almost 13 years to know her after them. Bess, brilliantly translated by Emily Watson. Some critics might described Bess as a retarderd, while i found her naive and inexperience. In achieving her own wellness, she talks to herself a lot by impersonating herself as a Holy Father (Split personality tendency which also reminds me of Gollum, in a way). Well, i don't see any other actress that will suit this Bess character, than Watson.

As we already familiar with Von Trier's style, this film is very far from being light viewing. Very slow moving and captured thru hand-held camera and lack of artificial lighting. This picture telling about Bess McNeil who just found her love of her life, Jan Nyman. Until Jan experienced one accident at the oil-rig he is working on.

Certainly, this film should have becoming one of the most emotionally powerful movies at that time.

Highly Recommended!

Memorable Quotes:
"Of course I am Bess, you know that" (Bess McNeil)

Rope (1948)

Cast : James Stewart, John Dall, Farley Granger
Director : Alfred Hitchcock

A fascinating suspense from the great Alfred Hitchcock. The story unravels in his typical way. Simple plot, but truly complex characters. The two murderers, Brandon Shaw (John Dall) and Phillip Morgan (Farley Granger) hold a cocktail party for their victim's relatives. Until their teacher, Rupert Cadell (James Stewart) becomes progressively suspicious. Featuring full of psychological parts mixed with its philosophy, this picture might be one of Hitchcock's greatness (if it's too humble to call it a masterpiece) which merely turn me on.

I love the idea of a party which celebrating a murder with foods on a coffin. Very originally peculiar idea, but i must said it's brilliant to death. However personally thought that the suspense will becoming more intense, if only the audience was not shown a murder scene itself in the opening. Trust by letting a vague impression, this picture should have been better. But what am i to argue? He's just a great Hitchcock.

A definite must-see.

Memorable Quote :
"Well, murder can be an art, too. The power to kill can be just as satisfying as the power to create" (Brandon Shaw)